Introducing the W-33 Series Reflexology Sofa Set

Introducing the W-33 Series Reflexology Sofa Set

The next step in the evolution of reflexology furniture! The W-33 series was designed specifically to ease the transition from foot or body massages to foot baths (and vice versa). Currently, in order to offer a soak with most reflexology sofas, you have to lift and put aside the footstool section in order to put the bucket in front of your client. This is both inconvenient and takes up space.

The W-33 addresses this issue by employing moving sections that allow it to convert from a full body length sofa to a foot bathing throne in just a few seconds. All you have to do is lift and slide

Simply lift and slide to reveal bucket/storage compartment.

Lift the two center cushions up and over, and then slide the support panel back to reveal the bucket compartment. This makes conversion a breeze and is less hassle for both you and your clients.

The W-33 sofa set is solid. With the exception of the aluminum storage compartment, it's built with a firm wooden frame and two-staged padding providing both comfort and support. The soft, velvet-y fabric cover is an attractive magenta color with classic print patterns that looks great in any salon, spa or clinic!

W-33 laid flat

The W-33 Convertible Reflexology Sofa Set fully reclines to a full body massage position and is available in manually powered control as well as electronically powered control versions. Check out their product pages for for information!

Francis C


Francis C

Is this the only color this product comes in?

Francis C


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